Yes, I am a vaper. My 'official' vape-a-versary is 10/10/2009. i only use that date because that's the date I 1st visited a vape forum, so I have docuentation. lol, never thought to note the date before darnit cuz I know it was much earlier. 'sparrots' is my user name pretty near everywhere. It's short for Sandhills Parrots' which is my parrot sanctuary in my home. I no longer breed or sell birds. Now, with few exceptions, any bird that comes here, is here for life. Most likely MY life as I anticipate them outiving me. Feel free to message me any parrot or vape related questions. I msy not have the answer, but if I don't, I probably want to know also! Stop by the Quest Vaping channel and meet the great hosts there. my shows are: temporarily suspended while I 'recover' from a boobectomy