I am new to Camup! I am a Vetern From Blogtv.com . Been Broadcasting for 10 years almost! I am just a Country Chic from NC . I am married to the most wonderful man in the world , (Mr.1963) and I love him to pieces! I love my friends and I love Casting . I work full time as an educator , but I have breaks and time off to cast occasionaly. I cast on a few different sites so i rotate around. I am looking forward to making new friends on Camup.TV. I have a few here already that I have known simnce 2007. My cast consits of Music, Chit Chat, Coffee, Cooking, Gardening, Decoratating , Games, and oh yeah my favoriate ... a Singing Party Show ! Join my Page on FB and I will make my announcements on when I do those things. I have a life of wife, work, and church so I can't make solid comments to shows so they are done not planned too far in advanced. But I will announce on my "Jane Entertainment Page on FB. https://www.facebook.com/groups/JaneEntertainment/